Thank you for visiting District Dave’s new London Underground Web site.

This site was launched on Sunday 14 August 2011, superseding District Dave’s original Trainweb pages that will remain online as at tribute to both him and his foresight. It also complements District Dave’s London Underground forum which Dave originally started back in February 2005.

Since then the forum has grown from just a handful of members, to almost 1000, from all walks of life. Some work within the railway industry or are employed by London Underground in a variety of roles, others are railway enthusiasts or enjoy



If you want to discuss anything ranging from rolling stock, stations, photography, signalling and even the history of the subsurface and tube network, we believe that the District Dave London Underground Forum is the place to be. If you’re not a member already, we hope to welcome you as one soon.


As within any industry or firm, rumour and gossip about railways and in particular London Underground, is always rife.

This site will responsibly pass on relevant up-to-date factual information that is felt to be of interest. Please visit the forum pages for more information and discussion.


Remembering Chris the Sarf [SE13]

The District Dave Forum is remembering SE13, our Membership Moderator, who has sadly died at the young age of 45. A thread announcing his passing that also contains tributes to Chris can be found HERE.

Chris was also very active in the world of football and was a significant contributor to the Goonersworld website. Tributes to him has also been posted there too.


Goonersworld Forum

Half of the C Stocks Have Gone

As more S7 trains arrive from Bombardier, the tipping point has arrived with just over half of the C69/77/08 units having now been withdrawn. With District Line drivers now being trained on the new S7 units, the start of the D stock withdrawals is likely to commence during 2014.

Class 66s Reliveried into LU Celebratory Colours

Okay not in the red cab and white and blue skirting, however Tuesday 5 November did witness two GBRf Class 66s named at Victoria with some innovative LU related liveries... lets await the photos !!

Aldwych Station opens in November

Not permanently, however the LT Museum is opening the station as part of the 150th celebrations, however there will be no train in the platform

e innovative LU related liveries... lets await the photos !!

A Cat called Victoria

Its been a few months since I’ve managed to update the news page, so I thought I’d add this happy story. We all know that “funny cats” is one of the most popular searches on YouTube. How then can we associate a cat story with the Underground.

Simple - these BBC and Guardian news item reports of a 4 weeks old lost kitten that was recently handed in to Underground staff at Victoria station having been found in a box on a District Line train. To quote my wife Melanie when I told her about the cat.... “How sweet!”


As this web-site continues to develop, feel free to pop back anytime to discover the latest changes. If you have any suggestions regarding the site structure or would like to submit articles, news items or simply make any comments, please contact me via my e-mail address.

Many thanks

ChrisW (November 2013)

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The views expressed on this website are solely those of the author(s) or contributor(s) and not necessarily those of, or endorsed by (nor is this site connected to) London Underground Ltd. or Transport for London.

All text and images are ©copyright and remain the property of the owner(s) and author(s) who assert copyright ownership of the layout, content and images of this site. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

© District Dave & ChrisW 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013

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